Sep 20, 2021
Here is a summary of a book written by Michael Easter
called, The Comfort Crisis:
"In many ways, we’re more comfortable than ever before. But
could our sheltered, temperature-controlled, overfed,
underchallenged lives actually be the leading cause of many our
most urgent physical and mental health issues? In this...
Sep 13, 2021
In North America, we have this amazing and unique animal that is found found nowhere else in the world, it's the bison (not buffalo). If you have a few minutes, do some research on these amazing creatures! One of the things that quickly stands out when you look at a bison is it's body appears to be disproportionate. ...
Sep 8, 2021
Nothing empowers a marathon runner more than seeing the finish line on the horizon. Nothing energizes people in their work like seeing the final pieces of the project fall into place. There is nothing that stokes the fire of perseverance more then seeing the physical transformation beginning to take place in the...