Sep 30, 2019
Progress. It can be hard to see. Even more difficult to measure. This is true for a lot of areas in our life, but it's especially true when it comes to being a follower of Jesus. How do you measure your progress as a Christian? One could chart their church attendance or track their giving or record their good...
Sep 23, 2019
When it comes to following Jesus, what are you becoming? This question probably doesn't come up enough, but it is a crucial question when it comes to living a life in pursuit of Jesus. Whether or not you have an image of what you are becoming, Jesus does. So, what is this image and how is it going to become my life's...
Sep 11, 2019
What is a Christian? What does it even mean to be a Christian? Simple, straightforward questions---right? However there are a lot of surprising and sometimes very confusing answers to those basic questions. How could that be? So what about you? How would you answer those questions? Sometimes it's not as easy as...
Sep 3, 2019
Is there really anything that is for certain? Death? Taxes? After that, what are you guaranteed? Life is so uncertain. It's because of this unpredictability that we are constantly asking questions: "Should I take that job?" "Are they the right person to marry?" "Is this the right direction...