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Iowa City Church Podcast

Welcome to the Iowa City Church sermon and teaching page.  We know that life can be confusing, and sometime just plain hard.  We believe the best way to live life comes through following Jesus.  These lessons and sermons are designed to be a resource to help you on that journey.  We hope you find them helpful!

Mar 7, 2022

Humans are notorious for not finishing what we started.  For example, how are those New Year's resolutions going?  Exactly, we don't want to talk about it!  Yet, it begs this question:  Why is it so hard to finish the things we start?  Think of all the projects that are waiting for your attention: the stamp collection, scrap books, sewing projects or the car you've been meaning to restore.  There's the guitar in the corner of your room or the tread mill you now use to dry your clothes.  The list could go on and on!  If it's starting to get personal, don't take it that way...all humans do it.  We are good at starting things, it's just the finish that's so hard.  However, here's the hard truth we all need to acknowledge: It's not how you start, it's how you finish. 

The Christian faith falls into the same discussion.  In some regards, it could be said that starting the journey of following Jesus is the easy part.  When we recognize our need for a savior and Jesus is the one who loved us and died for our sins, who doesn't want that kind of savior?  The hard part is staying faithful to Jesus over the long haul, especially when we begin to face obstacles, struggles and worst of all persecution.  We've all had those moment when we questioned our decision to follow Jesus, those moments when it was just too hard, too frustrating or too painful because of the opposition.  Maybe that is the place you find yourself right now.  So how do we persevere and actually finish the journey well, especially when things get hard?

If there was ever a people group who understood the struggle of opposition and persecution it was Israel.  Psalm 129 focuses in on the journey of being God's people and facing severe persecution, here's a powerful metaphor for the affliction they faced:

"Plowmen have plowed my back and made their furrows long." ~ Psalm 129:3

That's an image that's easy to understand...and feel!  So what can we learn from this psalm to help us persevere in our relationship with Jesus?  How can we not only have a strong start to our journey of following Jesus, but also endure to finish well?  To learn more, listen to part 10 of Long Obedience in the Same Direction.