Jan 6, 2020
We all think we have more time then what we really do.
Because of this we all have a "Someday List"; those tasks,
jobs or responsibilities that need to be taken care
of...someday. They are important, but just not important
now--so, we put them on our "Someday List," determined that we
will do them, some----day.
What's on your list? Most certainly there are lifestyle
changes that need to be made. Possibly financial? What
about relational improvements that need to happen? Are there
faith decisions you have placed on your "Someday List"?
Decisions to deepen your relationship with God? Bible
Study? Ministry? Baptism?
So, when is the right time to tackle your "Someday List"? On
Sunday, we will discover why Jesus said that today is the best day
to take care of the "Someday List", and one vital step to help you
get started.